Load Flow studies are an important aspect of power system planning and operation. In order to determine the voltage, real power and reactive power that will be generated through the transmission lines, it is necessary to study the flow of energy in the system. Since the load is a static quantity, and power that flows through transmission lines is the vital energy for consumption in the end customers, engineers prefer to call this study Power Flow Study.
As part of our load flow solution for a power system, we take the voltage magnitudes and phase angles of each line on the grid and the reactive and real power flowing in each line before and after it is connected to. We also take into account the line losses in our utility's network.
The load flow study helps to determine the initial conditions necessary to perform a transient analysis as well as to calculate the actual voltage magnitudes and phase angles of the network.Knowing the basics of power flow and understanding how to calculate it is essential for any electrical engineer.
Power flow analysis can be used to calculate the supply and capacity of a system, making sure that the engineer has a clear picture of how to design. The calculations also provide insight into the safest way to protect workers or facilities in case of emergencies.
We Provide different power system analysis services which are listed below:
We manage free training on operation, power system study with simulation software for your engineering staff to aware such incident due to improper selection, settings of relay, malfunctioning of circuit breakers in your plant.
Email : engineers@ipowerswitchgear.com / ipowerswitchgear@gmail.com
Contact : +91 97377 77537
We have completed relay coordination& system studies in many process, chemical, steel casting, cement plants and have expert engineers who knows the engineering phisics as we as different industries standard regulations.