Electrification testing is conducted on internal electrical installations to maintain the reliability of the installation and to verify compliance with the test standards. for the installation. Electrification testing is a process that ensures that electrical installations are safe and functional. There are many different types of tests that can be conducted on these installations, such as insulation resistance test, polarity test, Earth continuity test, Earth electrode resistance test.
Insulation resistance tests are performed to check the insulation properties of electrical installations
Polarity tests are used to check if the polarity of an installation is correct.
Earth continuity tests are used to ensure that the grounding system is intact and to detect any fault in the electrical circuit.
The Earth electrode resistance test is a very important part of the installation process for an electric system. This test ensures that the grounding electrodes are correctly installed and will work properly. Earth electrode resistance test is a test to measure the earth's resistance in ohms over a specified range. To ensure the electrical safety of installation.