iPower Switchgear has strong experience in power system study & design, electrical & automation project design & other services like electrical testing, commissioning, troubleshooting of switchgear.
As a consultant we plan & design your project to ensure that to complete your project with electrical systems, selection, testing, commissioning of equipment, applying principles of electrical engineering physics to meet reliability, safety & national electricity standard. It is most important to select proper equipment, switchgear, generator, transformer, cables & one most protection of that switchgear in abnormal condition & human safety. This is our prime service & responsibility to give you the best electrical design consultancy to protect you from an unwanted shutdown, failure of equipment, human safety, power quality.
We have familiar with companies like oil & gas, chemical, steel-casting, process industries, pharmaceuticals, textile industries, power plants, substation and as well as in commercial & domestic projects like a club, restaurant, hospital, temple, showrooms, night clubs, complexes, social housing. Our engineers continuously in contact with clients in design & planning mode to meet the quality of project design, industry regulations & client’s technical needs.
Our company become stronger & maintain quality with experienced engineers, skilled technician, management team & teamwork between all members. Our other services are listed below.